We Make Home Security Systems Smarter.
Safety Shields Product’s develops Technology Solutions for a Smarter and more Secure Home. We provide an extra safety layer and peace of mind protection for individuals concerned about exposure to COVID and other illnesses as well as those with serious underlying medical conditions or weak immunity.

*Patent Pending
ping is an outdoor Smart Home body temperature screening and health data sharing system that provides an accurate, non-contact visitor facial temperature reading. It also shares authorized health information to a Homeowner prior to entry to help identify possible symptoms of illness.
Attaches to most popular Video Doorbells, Security Cameras or as a separate Standalone Device.

*Patent Pending
SmartChek is a Health Data Sharing System that enables the camera from a Video Doorbell, Smart Home Security Camera, Ping Add-on System or separate outdoor standalone camera, located at a Home Owner’s entrance, to read a machine-readable barcode such as a QR Code from a Visitor’s Smart Phone or Device.
The Visitor’s barcode contains health information that they have authorized to share with the Home Owner, such as a vaccination record, data from a Health App and/or the Visitor’s body temperature from a wearable device prior to entry.